Tuesday, October 13, 2009


To: PBS&J/Project NEON

This is both a public statement and a request for materials.

Please send me a hard copy of the Draft EIS of Project NEON along with the CD for the Architectural Inventory that is supposed to go along with the document (address below). If there any other CDs please send them also and as soon as possible.

I hope you will have all these materials for people at the F Street meeting on October 26, and the Exhibits, along with large blow ups or a slide presentation of all applicable Exhibits and Tables (e.g. Table 1, Table 3-23).

I believe there could be many people asking similar questions about pedestrian safety (and potential pedestrian deaths of children and elders) along MLK, community cohesion, noise, the displacement of working-class people of color, and safety accessing MLK from small streets that intersect with MLK.

The history of highways in this valley and nationwide is a history of structural and systemic environmental and racial injustice in the US. If you examine the time line in Addendum 2, you'll notice that MLK served as a buffer area so Whites could be separated from Blacks. In my opinion, the failure to perform an EIS for the "I-15 Improvements, US 95 to Apex" (EA published May 2007) shows that the FHWA and NDOT still don't get it.

Please also send me as much information as possible on the EA Survey of potential residential displacements (mentioned on pg 3-14, with a 22% return rate) so that I may examine it for validity and respond adequately before the public response period is completed.

Thank you in advance for your assistance

Dahn Shaulis

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